Save the Date! Third Biennial Forum: “The Secret Doctrine”

Third Biennial Forum: The Secret Doctrine Stanzas IV – V One and Many: Celestial Hierarchies and the Wonder of Awakening

P. Sender, M. Sender, P. Wouters, G. Kiffe,

M. Leiderman, E. Carbonell

On site and Zoom
October 26 – 29
Thursday – Saturday 10 am – noon and 2 – 4 pm PDT
Sunday 10 – noon

This Work I Dedicate to all True Theosophists in every Country, and of every Race,
for they called it forth, and for them it is recorded.
Helena Blavatsky, 1888

The Secret Doctrine – The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, is H. P. Blavatsky’s greatest work. Based on the secret aphorisms in the ancient Stanzas of Dzyan, it presents a panoramic, esoteric view of the evolution of all life. HPB states, “These truths are in no sense put forward as a revelation. For what is contained in this work is to be found scattered throughout thousands of volumes embodying the scriptures of the great Asiatic and early European religions, hidden under glyph and symbol … left unnoticed because of this veil. What is now attempted is to gather the oldest tenets together and to make of them one harmonious and unbroken whole.”

In this recurring forum, we explore together various themes to arrive at deeper insights into the teachings and their applications to our lives. Continuing our study of the seven stanzas in Volume I, Cosmic Evolution, our inquiry focuses on Stanza IV (The Septenary Hierarchies) and Stanza V (Fohat: The Child of the Seven Hierarchies).

Single Session $15 Day $25 Full Series $80
Krotona Lodging: Register by October 1
Housing priority given for full-series participants

Review: SD Proem and Stanza I – III

MORNING INQUIRY Pablo Sender joined the TS in Argentina in 1998. He teaches internationally for the Society, directs the Online School of Theosophy and authored recently Approaching the Secret Doctrine: Its Teachings and Practical Applications.

AFTERNOON PRACTICUM Michele Sender, a TS member since 2006, presents on Theosophy and its practical applications in both in the U.S. and abroad. The founder of Fohat Productions, she worked with Pablo as editor and consultant for Approaching the Secret Doctrine.

Stanza IV

MORNING INQUIRY Pierre Wouters is an associate of the United Lodge of Theosophists. Born in Antwerp, Belgium, he has been studying and giving talks on Theosophy for over 45 years.

AFTERNOON PRACTICUM Gerry Kiffe has been an avid theosophical student for over 40 years, leading various studies for the United Lodge of Theosophists.


MORNING INQUIRY Martin Leiderman originally from Venezuela, lectures internationally for the TS in English and Spanish especially in The Secret Doctrine, the Mahatma letters, and The Voice of the Silence.

AFTERNOON PRACTICUM Eneida Elena Carbonell, born in Cuba, has served in the T.S. Espania Lodge in Los Angeles for many years, has travelled and taught for the Inter-American Theosophical Federation and presents regularly for Krotona.

MORNING Faculty Panel, Student Participation

  •  THURSDAY OCT 26 Morning session: Review: SD Proem and Stanszas I – III – $15.00
  •  THURSDAY OCT 26 Afternoon practicum: Review: SD Proem and Stanszas I – III – $15.00
  •  THURSDAY OCT 26 both sessions: Review: SD Proem and Stanszas I – III – $25.00
  •  FRIDAY OCT 27 Morning session: Stanza IV – $15.00
  •  FRIDAY OCT 27 Afternoon practicum: Stanza IV – $15.00
  •  FRIDAY OCT 27 both sessions: Stanza IV – $25.00
  •  SATURDAY OCT 28 morning session: STANZA V – $15.00
  •  SATURDAY OCT 28 afternoon practicum: STANZA V – $15.00
  •  SATURDAY OCT 28 both sessions: STANZA V – $25.00
  •  SUNDAY OCT 29 Morning session: SYNTHESIS – $15.00
  •  Entire series – $80.00

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