U.S. Pandey – Insights into the Teachings of the Mahatma Letters


The Mahatma Letters are an invaluable primary source of theosophical teachings that provide insightful guidance for both spiritual and practical living, with a particular focus on the welfare of humanity as a whole. The letters cover a wide range of topics, including spiritual growth, the meaning of human existence, the evolution of Earth and the cosmos, the nature of God, the origins of evil, the decline of religious institutions, some scientific principles, the importance of Universal Brotherhood, and the mysteries of death and life after death. These topics are explored in the context of occult science, making the Mahatma Letters an essential resource for understanding the deeper aspects of life and the universe.

Day 1: Introduction –  Mahatmas and their Letters:

Who are the Mahatmas or Masters of Wisdom? Their work and role in establishing the Theosophical Society; their letter, recipients, method for writing and transporting–precipitation.

Contents of letters received basically of two natures i.e., (i) information and guidance, personal counseling and (ii) teachings on theosophy and clarifications to queries on the same.

Literature mentioned in The Mahatma Letters and published by T.S.

Day 2: Discussion and Study of Letters 18 and 30

Letter No. 18 (ML-9) marks the beginning of the real teachings from the Mahatmas.

Letter No.30 (ML134): This letter is from HPB, incorporating Master M’s dictation mainly on qualifications needed in order to come in contact with Masters.

Day 3:  Discussion and Study of Letters 44, 61, 62 and 63

Letter No.44 (ML-13): This letter is the first to deal specifically and exclusively with the teachings, particularly regarding evolution of man.

Letters 61, 62 and 63 are answers of Mahatma to certain question.

Day 4: Letters Nos. 65 (ML-11), 66 (ML-14), 67 (ML-15)

These letters are addressed to  A.O. Hume and among other things focus on evolution of universe, globes.

Day 5: Discussion and Study of Letters  68 (ML-16) and 69 (ML- 69).

Letter No. 68 (ML-16) explains many important points related to Devachan after physical death and before the rebirth of man in the form of answers and questions. Letter No. 69 (ML—69) is a continuation of Letter 68.

Day 6: Discussion and Study of Letters  88 (ML-10) and 90 (ML-22)

On God, Parabrahman, existence of Matter and of Motion and their self existence or eternity, Evil, etc., etc.

Day 7: Discussion and Study of Letters  93 A (ML 23A) and 93 B (ML-23B)

Letter No. 93 B letter contains answers to questions in the Letter No. 93 A – on points- like: Human civilization on earth, planets, magnetic variation, thoughts in human mind at the last moment – their effects,, consciousness of shells,  Sun, obscuration etc.

Day 8: Discussion and Study of the Maha Chohan’s Letter

(Appendix II  in the book The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnet (cr.ed.) – called The  Charter of the T.S.

 And the Comments by Mahatma on article on Death by Eliphas Levi (LBS- Appendix I in the same book)

Day 9: Daily life in light of Teachings of Mahatma and our way to the Masters
Day 10: Important Highlights and Conclusion.
Recommended Readings: 
  • The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett (Chronological edition – arranged and  edited by Vicente Hao Chin, Jr.)
  • Letters from The Masters of the Wisdom – First and Second Series  (Transcribed and compiled by C. Jinarajadasa)
  • The Masters – by Annie Besant
  • Theosophy as The Masters See It – by Clara M. Codd
  • The Story of Mahatma Letters – by C.J.
    All above books have been published by TPH Adyar.


U. S. Pandey (Click here to see biodata)
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