Judi Vandahaar Engaging Skills to Help Youth Navigate the Chaos of Their World- Saturday October 5

Engaging Skills to Help Youth Navigate the Chaos of Their World
Onsite and ZoomSaturday October 510am – noon, 2 – 4 pmAdolescence remains a perplexing experience for any individual, so imagine what it might be like for young people today in the world we all find ourselves. This presentation will explore ways to distinguish between normal adolescent changes and what may be a mental health or substance use issue. Participants will also practice the skills necessary to be confident when supporting someone in distress. Theosophist Annie Besant encouraged us to embrace pain as a transformative force in our lives to help us grow. To this end, we will also explore ways to access and strengthen, for ourselves and youth, the sources of resilience needed to support our journeys onward. This program is for anyone who is interested in supporting young people navigating these times – whether you are a parent, teacher, mentor, or community member.
Single session $15 Series $25
Click here to learn more and register.

Judi Vanderhaar received her master’s degree in Sociology and a PhD in Educational Leadership from the University of Louisville. She works for the Kentucky Department of Education in the Division of Student Success focusing on systems for dropout prevention, educator training in trauma informed practices, Youth Mental Health First Aid, trauma-sensitive mindfulness, and Sources of Strength. Her work has been presented nationally and published in outlets such as Educational Leadership, Review of Research in Education, and Closing the School Discipline Gap.  Dr. Vanderhaar has worked for over two decades as a youth mentor and with community groups in different capacities across domains including disconnected youth, incarcerated parents, and youth in residential foster care. She has been practicing and studying matters of the spirit for over 25 years and is a grateful student of Theosophy.  
About Krotona School of Theosophy
Since 1967, the Krotona School has helped students deepen their understanding of the Ageless Wisdom. The School emphasizes education for spiritual renewal so students may orient themselves to eternal truths in a changing world. As an integral part of the Krotona Institute, the School supports the work of the Theosophical Society and its three objects that encourage: 1) the unity of all life; 2) studies in comparative religion, philosophy, and science; and 3) investigation of unexplained laws of Nature and the spiritual powers latent in humanity.
Krotona Institute of Theosophy, 46 Krotona St., Ojai CA 93023 • 805 646-1139 • [email protected] • www.krotonainstitute.org

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